Common warning signs:

  • Your HVAC system produces unusual and excessive noises– Any loud squeaking, rumbling, or hissing sounds while turned on can be an indicator that something is wrong. A fan that is squeaky might not be ventilating your system correctly. Rumbling, growling, or hum sounds could be an indication that the motor needs some focus.
  • Your HVAC system is performance is reducing– Another warning sign that should raise alarm is if the furnace fails to turn on as it normally does. You may find yourself checking the pilot light very often, which is an indication that your heating unit may be having a common problem. This situation normally indicates that either your coils aren’t connected properly or there is a problem with the pilot light.
  • Your utility bill is abnormally high– Your home may not be getting warm as quickly as you are used to, or it could be having trouble maintaining a comfortable temperature. If you notice this happening, then your machinery may have certain problems that need to be professionally attended to.
  • Your HVAC Refrigerant is leaking– During normal operation, the system generates moisture in the form of condensate. That water collects in a pan and flows out a line either into a floor drain or condensate sump basin. An accumulation of water signals a blockage or disconnection of the tube.
  • Your HVAC Condenser Coil badly get dirty/Your HVAC evaporator coil cracks Because of the way they operate, evaporator and condenser coils both need to be kept clean to perform as intended and reach optimal energy efficiency. A dirty evaporator coil can experience a number of problems, including:
    • Impaired heat absorption and cooling capacity
    • Higher energy use
    • Higher pressures and temperatures
    • Frost and ice buildup

    Even a fine layer of dust on the evaporator coil reduces its efficiency. The dust acts as an insulator, keeping the heat in and the air away from the cold coils. That means the coil can’t absorb as much heat as it can when clean. Your system will then have to run longer to provide the indoor temperature you want, which means it will use more energy.

If you begin noticing or experiencing any problems, call one of our experts right away at 919-375-4139.